I am a passionate learner and individual keen to develop my technical knowledge. I am currently enrolled in different projects, for example leading and creating a Model United Nations club at my school, where I aim to develop my peers' knowledge of the political world. I’m also an ambassador for T-Levels, which helps me nurture my interests in fields such as UX design.
Rona Sailing Project
Volunteer watch leader, Scott, and Amory Award holder
2022 to Present
UTC Model United Nations
Cambria Sea Scouts
Explorer Platinum award, Volunteer Beaver leader
2013 to Present
Silver Duke of Edinburgh award
Working towards Gold
RYA qualifications include:
Day Skipper, Youth Sailing Level 3, Start Yachting, Competent Crew, Powerboat Level 2, First Aid,
Paddle-boarding Personal Performance Award
Royal Lifesaving Society
National Pool Lifeguard, Survive and Save Gold Award
2022 to Present
IT administrator
BJF Group
June 2022, (2 weeks)
Extra Tuition Centre
Primary school tutor
July 2023 - Present
T-Level work placement
October 2024, (9 weeks)
GCSE results;
Post 16 (Year 12, Year 13)
Currently studying: